Thursday, August 14, 2008

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God! -Matthew 5:8

This is a verse that the Lord keeps bringing back to me again and again. As I just read a blog from The Call Nashville last year on 07.07.07, I began recollecting what the Lord has been saying to me individually and to the Church as a whole. As many will gather in Washington D.C. in our nation's capitol on 08.16.08, it will once again be a time of uniting together in prayer. The Lord has spoken to me about many things over the past year, but one thing that never seems to get old that he repeats again and again is the key of intimacy. It is our key to everything that we do. Our Church is in need of showing the world its vulnerabilities and weaknesses apart from Jesus. The people are crying out for God and God Himself. There is nothing more that we could possibly need or want that could EVER satisfy than Jesus. Yet, we settle everyday. We settle for second best while He is standing right next to us saying, "I'm here. Come be with Me." Intimacy is powerful. It changes us. It changes others. It moves nations and the world is changed when we get real and raw with Jesus--when we are radically intimate with Jesus. For He Himself said: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see [Me]" (Matthew 5:8). Bless you...wherever you are. I challenge you to go deep into the heart of God!


Kristin said...

In the words of Wayne Racz..."Jesus + time = Intimacy"

Just thought I'd share that memory of good times with you! Love you Hellen!