So, I thought it would be nice to write out the top 10 things I'm thankful for today. So many of us get so tied up in what we don't have that we fail to see what we do have.
1. The daily love and grace from Jesus
2. Living only 20 minutes away from my mom
3. Having a car to drive when I want
4. A whole house full of women who love me (flaws and all)
5. My monthly gift certificate to Blessingdales (so I can buy fun clothes)
6. Prayer (constant communication)
7. Coffee with coffeemate creamer (so good) and Starbucks on Victory
8. The healing being done in my heart (and being in a job where intimacy with Jesus is the number one thing)
9. Nature--outdoors and living near the water
10. The bikes that were recently donated to The Vine (I love being outside!)
There are many other things that I'm thankful for, but I didn't want to overwhelm anyone. My mom has been such an amazing teacher of showing me how to be selfless. I love her! For those of you who are discouraged--DON'T BE! We need to stand and be thankful--giving God the praise and honor all the days of our life!
And let your living be spilled over into thanksgiving!! -Colossians 2:6
Oh Hellen. You are great writer! When you wrote about thankfulness I started to think where I'm thankful. And in the end of the day, it's much more than I would dream of. :)
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