Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Latest news

The past couple of weeks have been ones almost beyond words. Not too long ago, my boss and I got together for dinner to hang out and to discuss how the Lord is shaping me—what I’m learning, etc. We also discussed some of the false mindsets that I had picked up and believed as truth. Through prayer, the Lord had been revealing to me some areas of my heart that He wanted to “crack open” and peer in a little closer. Actually, what I realized is that he wanted me to see as he sees. And even though I am dark; I am lovely (Song of Solomon 1:5). After God brought some light to areas of my heart, I felt that I was to attend a healing week.
Well, the week came and went. I was touched on numerous occasions by the sweetness and lovingkindness of the Father. He overwhelmed me with his tenderness. Basically, God wanted to open doors of my heart that I hadn’t seen before. And he wanted to touch on wounds that I still carried. He took me back to my infancy and revealed to me the lie that I had believed, carried, and operated out of for so long: that I was abandoned and that there were limits on God’s goodness for me. But I love how Jesus answers with this: I’m committed to you. (Deuteronomy 27:1-26). There are no limits on my goodness because I am limitless (Psalm 147:2). I work for the good (Romans 8:28).And to be quite honest, he is daily teaching me how to operate in the light and to just be. The verse that sums up where I am right now and have been for the past year is this: Be still and know that I am God. –Psalm 46:10

After the week, I started to see how flippantly I move out of my own understanding (which is foolish), instead of trusting and believing God. And he is worthy of my all—all of my heart. And there are many more places in my heart that need surgery, but thankfully God brings it to me in bits.
As my heart was surgically operated on, so were my teeth. I had 4 wisdom teeth removed this past week. It was my first physical surgery and my prayer is that I would fall into a deep sleep and continue to sleep—only to awaken to God’s loving presence. Guess what? He granted my request. He did not withhold it from me! J I have had an incredible recovery and the Lord has continued to teach me to trust and be.
So that is what I’m learning and a part of God’s character that I want to be shaped into my heart. I continue to work here at The Living Vine with pregnant teenagers. Half of the time I don’t know what I’m doing, but it’s amazing—God does! And I am seeing God bless even in the mundane. He sees it all and the motive behind the heart. How I love my Papa!
I am blessed to have a new addition to my room—my German roommate, Marie. Yay! I believe that the Lord has special times for us both! And my baby sister, Landon was engaged this weekend! Praise Him! I’m so thankful that I am surrounded by so many people who love Jesus and they live to serve and love him! It is truly a time to give thanks! Happy Thanksgiving!
Below, I have some pictures of those I love. Bless you! My prayer for each one of you is that the love and truth of the Lord would grow deep in your heart, mind, and soul. May he be the center of your being. May you live and move and have your being in him alone. He is worthy of all of you! Surrender into the love of your Papa. Blessed be the name of our Lord Jesus! Love y’all! Thank you for your continued prayers and support. I hope to see each of you very soon or to atleast have a phone conversation or skype date. J

In Amazing LOVE…
Hellen J <><