Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Leaning on her Lover

Rest. Rest. Rest in God's love. The only work you are required now to do is to give your most intense attention to His still, small voice within. 
-Madame Jeanne Guyon

Who is this coming up from the desert, leaning on her lover? 
-Song of Solomon 8:5

Our only responsibility is to receive the love of our Father. We just need to receive and obey. To firmly lean, we find our strength. Over the past couple of weeks, I have found that all I can do (even on my best days) is lean. My heart finds itself hungering for more of my Lover. I have found that when I'm leaning, when I'm resting, when my heart finds its Peace, this is when I am strong. This is when life makes the most sense--when I am dependent and leaning upon my Lover. It is intimacy with Him that allows me to soar. But what is intimacy? What does it look like? Oftentimes, it's uncomfortable. It's a split in a dam of the heart. It's an unveiling and allowing ourselves to be seen for who we really are: dirty, broken, dark, yet lovely. And yet, it's in these moments of vulnerability with Yaweh and others that we find who we truly are. We see Him and then He allows us to see Him as He sees us--completely His. I don't know about you, but there is more of me that needs to be vulnerable. There's a deeper leaning that needs to take place in my heart. Don't you see that all He longs for is you? He longs for you completely and not when you've gotten your act together or have more money or more time. He wants you right now--just as you are. He wants to blow you away and transform you from glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3:18). He wants you to see as he sees and for you to partake in his goodness. So, rest. Lean. Long. And find intimacy. He's waiting.