And I'll be the poet who sings Your glory--and live what I sing every day.
-Psalm 61:8
Beautiful in all of your splendor. Beautiful One. You are the One I desire. You are the One I crave. I am overwhelmed and left speechless. No word would ever do justice to Your goodness. No act can compare to Your everlasting and mighty LOVE! I am left speechless and yet overwhelmed with inexpressible joy and peace in Your presence. You are my beginning and my end. You are all sufficient and the One who truly satisfies the longings of my heart. All the earth proclaims of Your goodness. There is none like You. My Beloved. My heart is Yours. It is Yours completely. Oh...Beautiful One...Beautiful.
-psalm 04:15:10
What is worship truly? Honestly, I have been pondering this question for many years now. It is more than a song. It is far sweeter than words. It's my life. Now I know we've heard this cliche saying before. Worship is our response to Jesus Himself--all He is. All that He did. All of Him. I'm realizing that when I'm not even walking in His light, since I am His, I am reflecting a form of worship to Him. A form of worship that He doesn't deserve, but when looking back--I am left speechless. Jesus asks for all of me and NOTHING else. He longs for me more than I long for Him. He is patient in all things. And my brokenness, my darkness, my insecurities as well as the gifts--He wants it all. And this is worship to Him. To hold back in any regard is to deny Him all that is due. He is worthy of all of us. Every ounce. Every drop. And I don't know about you, but I want to give Him all of me. I want Him to transform me alone. Below, I've posted a video of a song that proclaims where my heart is....Longing. Not satisfied other than that of Jesus Himself. I pray that you'll draw close during this time...
To my Beloved...
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