Wednesday, May 5, 2010

You Alone

You have said, "Seek my face." My heart says to you, "Your face, Lord, do I seek." -Psalm 27:8

Beautiful One, how I love you! How I long for your tenderness and affection. But most of all, I long for you. You are the One I want. You are the One I desire. You are the One I crave. You and You alone. Nothing nor no one else will do. Only You.

Many times, it can be tempting to give our hearts to another. It can be tempting to give up on God and to not believe Him at His word. It can be easy to turn our affections elsewhere. But He is forever crying out to us: "Seek my face." This is something that I've been continually hearing more and more and even now, He is singing it over me. "Show me your face, Hellen. Show me you alone. No other. Just you." And my heart is crying back to Him: "Show me your face, Lord. Show me your face..." How His heart cries out to us! Will you be bold enough to cry out to Him? Wherever you are--cry out. He will not turn away His face from those who honestly cry out for Him alone.