Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's ALL about His LOVE...

It's all about His LOVE! Everything is about Jesus. I know that it sounds cliche and it's a simple truth that we've heard over and over, but I never cease to be amazed by it. Tonight, I walked down to the dock facing the ocean. I was in prayer for people, nations, the worship night, etc. During this precious moment, the Lord began to speak. He quieted my soul and started to revive my heart with His love and of the gift of Himself. I then heard a sound. I opened my eyes and there were porpoises in front of me--about 3 feet from the dock. It was incredible! What was most incredible was what God said next: Do you know how much I love you? I have so much more to show you! I love how I am in constant need of Jesus. I need Him to whisper over me again and again that He loves me and that I am His. I hope that you enjoy the video below. It is a song of worship about the endless LOVE of Jesus. Drink it in deep!