He is looking for those whom He can trust.
For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. -2 Chronicles 16:9
King of Wonders, we stand amazed.
There's no other, other than You.
King of Wonders, You know the way to our hearts
And the more we see, the more we love You.
I have been contemplating on what it means to be a woman of God--totally and completely surrendered to Jesus. His heart is so open to me all the time--even when mine is closed. He keeps on knocking and I don't know about you, but this stirs me. This stirs my spirit to run and fling wide open the door to my heart--no matter how uncomfortable or scary it is. Honestly, I am seeing more and more how I was created to love. We all have been put here for this sole purpose: To receive love and then to give it away. To fall into the arms of the Savior and be engulfed in His embrace. I don't know, but this truth frees me up so much. All I need to do is fall on the One who loves me most. And there truly is no other LOVE like it.
Another truth that I have been pondering with the Lord is this: To love is to be vulnerable. This is a truth that many of us read and hear and then quietly move on with our day to day lives. Very rarely, do we let it sink in. And then even more rarely do we actually practice it. It's one thing for God to see all of us, but it's quite another for others to see us in our darkness. But I feel that when we truly love, we break through the fear that we'll get hurt or that others won't love us because our gaze is caught completely in LOVE. And perfect love casts out ALL fear (I Peter 3:18).
With all of this said, my prayer is that I will run wholeheartedly to those dark places in my heart and fling the doors open wide, so that Love can invade it. Peace to you during this time.
I love...I love...I love Your Presence
I love...I love...I love You, Jesus
And if you want it, come and get it for crying out loud
Cause this love that He has given you is never in doubt
Let go of your heart, let go of your head and feel it now
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